Sunday, April 20, 2008

oh Yeah you can make a rug from you dead pet. GROSS

From over at small bits and pieces.


Anonymous said...

Oh, and to think my dear departed Old English Sheepdog went to waste. He would have looked great as a foot-warming door mat.

The Man said...

What about that couple that made a coat out of her pet's hair

Hair of the dog: The animal lovers who turned their dead pets' coats into woolly jumpers

Their beloved dogs may have gone to the great kennel in the sky, but for Beth and Brian Willis they will always be close.

Because the couple have had his and hers jumpers knitted out of the hair moulted by the pedigree pets and spun into yarn.

And they insist the bizarre garments keep them warm and dry no matter how bad the winter weather gets.

Buy me a cold one..