Sunday, April 26, 2015


Usually it is actresses who take way more than they should from swag suites. But, when it is a new Samsung, then the guys get interested too. Probably too much. This A- list superhero was supposed to get two phones for coming. He took about 25 and when someone said something to him he stared them down and kept piling phones into the bag he brought. Chris Evans ("Avengers: Age of Ultron")   via

It is amusing that this TV girl had a such a dramatic reaction to her athlete boyfriend being caught with drugs. She’s always known that he parties. In fact, she has been known to party a time or two herself. Therefore, her cutting him off seems to have more to do with her preserving her squeaky clean reputation than it has to do with being genuinely shocked – shocked! – that he was caught carrying. She’d better be careful about taking slap shots at him, though. There are plenty of people waiting on the sidelines who have witnessed her party habits and who may expose her if she doesn’t back off! Erin Andrews "Dancing With the Stars"/Jarret Stoll (his drug bust)  via

"Modern technology has now progressed to the point where factory-built partners are at least as good as human partners," Mills says later at a downtown bar. "Not everybody wants to be in a relationship, especially an emotionally draining, costly, anxiety-filled one. If a man says, ‘I don’t want to be in a relationship,’ most of the time that’s probably a fucking good decision! And he can order a RealDoll, which will end up being a helluva lot cheaper than the women he was dating! If a man has a hundred or no girlfriends, Real-Dolls are a good option no matter what." A hovering waitress says, "Last call." Mills orders a beer and returns to a pet peeve. "Women have enjoyed sex toys for 50 years, probably 5,000 years, if the truth be known, but men are still stigmatized! We have to correct that! I want to be the Rosa Parks of sex dolls! Men are not going to sit in the back of the bus anymore!" [It] was 2007’s Lars and the Real Girl that put RealDolls on the cultural map, when one of McMullen’s dolls landed a role opposite Ryan Gosling, who played the quirky, socially stunted lead. Lars becomes less reclusive soon after Bianca shows up in a crate. He begins wheelchairing her around to family dinners, a party, and church, much to the delight of the tolerant townsfolk. The company is "fiercely" protective of the privacy of all its customers, not just celebrities, who usually demand a non-disclosure agreement or have a doll purchased through an intermediary. Deep sources there confirm that an actor with "anger-management issues" bought five at once and was seen sunbathing with them on his yacht. Charlie Sheen  via

What A/B-list diva who does reality TV on the side exploded at a reporter at an awards show red carpet last night when he mistook her for Iggy Azalea? Christina Aguilera (ACM Awards)vvia

all names from here

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