Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A very long meme

1. Can you legally drink? Yes, But gave it up awhile ago
2. Will you be married in the next 2 years? Allready am, and still will be.
3. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward? Not really.
4. What are your least favorite school subjects? Math, English, Science, Social Studies (think that about covers them all).
5. Who was the last person you called? Computer company to get them to fix the computer connection
6. Do you prefer to call or text? Call.
7. Do you have a pet? Yes Lady Oops.
8. What did you do today? Not much, just played on the computer so far.
9. Do you like carrots? Yes, baby carrots are my snack of choice.
10. When is the last time you saw your mom? June.
11. Do you believe in karma? Yes and it sucks, wish I knew about it when I was younger.
12. Are you taller than 5'5"? Close 5'4.
13. How many city/towns have you lived in? too many (7 in the last 10 years)
14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare feet.
15. Are you a social person? yup.
16. What was the last thing you drank? Hazlenut Iced Coffee.
17. What are your favorite colors? Green and purple.
21. Do you like coffee? Yep.
22. Would you rather have money or love? Got love so I would want money?
23. Have you ever sat on a roof? Yes in Hawaii.
24. What are you listening to? She drives me crazy, Fine Young Cannibals (work radio) .
25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? Middle and I hog the covers too.
26. Do you know how to play poker? Yes.
27. What are you thinking about right now? Wishing my headache would go away.
28. Any plans for the weekend? Nope not yet.
29. What time do you get up in the morning? Somewhere bettern 4-5 am
31. Do you eat ranch with your pizza? sometimes.
32. Last person you IM'ed? Noone, I don’t play with that.
33. Have you ever been in an ambulance? No.
34. Do you prefer an ocean or pool? Pool over looking an ocean.
35. What color shirt are you wearing? Multi- color mostly red and black.
36. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? If you call it that..
37. What's bothering you right now? Mean girl at office.
38. Do you hold grudges? Try not to.
40. Who's myspace page did you visit last? My own
41. Are you a Lost fanatic? No, I like House though
43. Earphones or headphones? neither.
44. At this very moment what should you be doing? Working.
45. Do you read novels often? Whenever I can.
46. What is the color of your bedroom walls? Off white (boring).
47. Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth? no
49. Are you mad about anything? Not right now
50. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car? Oh yes, and even louder when I can embarrass my kids.
51. Last 2 people to call you? Diva, to tell me she found her kitten in her dresser drawer sleeping
52. Have you ever thought you didn't like someone, and then found out that you really liked them? Not really, usually it’s the opposite
54. How was this weekend? Long..
55. Do/did you listen to your parents? One yes, the other no way
56. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Nothing.
57. Is there anyone that doesn't like you because of something you did? nope.
58. Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life? Not as much as your first heartbreak.
59. The phone rings. What is your ring tone? Go-go.
60. Did you go anywhere yesterday? work.
61. Who was the last person you shared beds with? Hubby & Lady Oops
62. Favorite drink? Iced Coffee.
63. Does the person you like know that you like them? Yeah.
64. Where are you right now? work.
65. If you HAD to kiss the last person you kissed, would you? Uh yes...
66. Favorite gadget in the kitchen? Coffee grinder.
67. Favorite pie? Corn pie .
68. How is your hair? Wavy, curly
69. Where's the last place you walked to? Around the block.
70. Last time you had a sleepover? June.
71. Latest you stayed up in the past week? midnight.
72. What are you doing, Aside from answering these questions? Avoiding the mean one.
73. Have you been in a car accident? Yes, and hit by a car crossing the street.
74. What is the last thing you said aloud? What are we doing for lunch
75. Who's the 1st person on your missed calls list? Unknown number.
76. What did the last text message you received say? None I don’t text.
77. Last time you went to church? Many years ago.
78.Wallet? empty
79.Eyes? Bright blue
80.Life? Ok.
81.Doing this weekend to come? See # 28.
82.Wearing? Shirt and capris.
83.Wanting? To win the lottery.
84.Listening to? radio
85.What do you smell? Sandlewood, rose and vanilla
86. Do you sleep naked? Not anymore.
87. Do you like seafood? Love it
88. Do you remember your dreams? Oh yes.
89. Do you consider yourself a study freak? nope
90. Do you speak another language other than English? Some Pa dutch
91.What did you do last night? Tried to sleep.
92. What do you hate? oranges.
93.Orange or apple juice? apple.
94.Who were the last people you went out to lunch with? kids
95.Last thing you ate? eggs.

Ok if you read all of it, consider yourself tagged..
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i didn't seemed to be a waste of time to me :P

Buy me a cold one..