Friday, May 29, 2009

The new GM (Government Motors)

The new GM (Government Motors) proudly
introduces the 2010 Obama ...

This car runs on hot air and broken promises. It has three wheels that speed the vehicle through tight left turns.

It comes complete with two Teleprompters programmed to help the occupants talk their way out of any violations.

The transparent canopy reveals the plastic smiles still on the faces of all the "happy" Democrat owners.

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Thanks Chris

Wow Check out this from comments.
Horrid Democrat said...
However, the Obama car is believed to be extremely better than the model that had been in use for the past eight years. The previous version was found to consume copious amounts of gas and seemed to go out of it's way to alienate close friends and neighbors. The odd thing was that it wasn't actually driven by the driver, but by the person next to him.
The POS Dubya 2000 also featured a "Valerie Plame is a secret agent" bumper sticker, (just for laughs), and the "Where's the WMD?" boardgame.
Fortunately, after eight agonizing years, the majority of Americans finally tired of the car so torturous that many said it drove like being shot in the face with a shotgun. The decision was thankfully made to do away with the car nicknamed "the Decider" permanently... although the repercussions of it's tragic history will remain with us for decades and decades to come.


Horrid Democrat said...

However, the Obama car is believed to be extremely better than the model that had been in use for the past eight years. The previous version was found to consume copious amounts of gas and seemed to go out of it's way to alienate close friends and neighbors. The odd thing was that it wasn't actually driven by the driver, but by the person next to him.
The POS Dubya 2000 also featured a "Valerie Plame is a secret agent" bumper sticker, (just for laughs), and the "Where's the WMD?" boardgame.
Fortunately, after eight agonizing years, the majority of Americans finally tired of the car so torturous that many said it drove like being shot in the face with a shotgun. The decision was thankfully made to do away with the car nicknamed "the Decider" permanently... although the repercussions of it's tragic history will remain with us for decades and decades to come.

Winky Twinky said...

Great post, Amy...

Anonymous said...

And we're so much better off now. right? The Obama is here to save us all! Thank the Obama!

Bunk Strutts said...

Ho Dem-- At least the Dubya drove ON the ground. The Obamamobile drives us INTO it.

Ex Republican said...

Bunk, get your head out of Rush's tailpipe. Do you honestly think that the current administration is responsible for our economy?

Wow! I can understand blind faith, but to close your eyes, plug your ears and say lalalalala isn't going to change the fact that Dubya and his ilk practically wrecked our nation.

I don't put blind faith in Obama, but I think that he is trying to salvage the mess.

Eric said...

LOL, 'Yes, we can't'

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the Obama 2010, but I do know the Dubya 2000 had this really great feature, where when you slammed on the brakes, it would speed up and slam you head on into the nearest brick wall.

Buy me a cold one..