Friday, July 3, 2009

Last Chance... Enter Today

Leave me a comment, tell me your oops moment or the craziest thing you have ever done. Winner will be chosen at random and will win one of the game fuel prize packs. (See Post)

Raffle closes 7/3/09..

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Mysterious Rachilini said...

I was born..

AmyOops said...

ok.. here is one of the craziest things i do.. I love to hop on the back of harleys and ask for a ride. regardless if i know the person or not.

havent done it since my hawaii days..

Stephanie Barr said...

I fell unexplicably and irrevocably in love with a man fifteen years younger than I was (over the age of consent) at a time when I had no business falling in love with anyone (right after a truly ugly divorce).

The crazy part is we've been married nearly seven years and it just gets better and better.

And, no, I'm not a teacher.

Tattoo Jim said...

I would really like to "confess" to a few things I've done but somehow, I think they are best left "buried". The craziest things my wife has done, however, is she's stayed married to me for 35 years now... we just celebrated that last week. She's the greatest woman in the world!!! Ooops! Sorry Amy... got sidetracked...

Lauralee Beth said...

I have no idea what I'm commenting on, but I just saw comment for chance to win and I said, hey, why the heck not? Crazy story of mine?

I rode a camel while putting on chapstick and a mouse asked me if I had the time. Said sixty after the hour and got sucked into a black hole. On the other side I found a bamboo plant drinking liquor from a sponge and wondered if I could fly.

Bunk Strutts said...

Here's one that I posted here:

Habanero chiles make you smarter.

I’d read about them. A friend had given me five little orange ones he’d grown himself. Something that small and pretty couldn’t be that bad, I told myself, and I dared myself to try one, or rather, a small part of one, and I ate a fingernail-sized slice late one night several years ago.

I have a deep and profound respect for the habanero.

It was sweet, pleasant at first, until it jumped up and filled my entire field of vision. Flaming sweat was spitting out of my forehead when I took a lick of salt (one remedy) and I jammed my fist into the refrigerator for the quart of milk without opening the door. “OH GOD!” I yanked the milk out by its udders ignoring the jagged metal that cut my forearm.

I drank the whole quart, and finally the pain subsided. Whew… at least I could say that I’d eaten the habanero. But I found out that it wasn’t done with me yet.

Relieved, and with natural endorphins jumping around in my brain, I headed for bed, got my night-chonis on, brushed my teeth. Then I took out my contacts. “OH, GOD!” A minute amount of the habanero oil had not washed off of my fingers, and now my eyes were shooting flames.

I took the contact lenses, washed them thoroughly, dumped them into the little canister with the magic cleaning tablets, and went to bed.

Next morning. Forgot about the habaneros. Fetched my contacts from the little canister. Put them in my eyes. “OH, GOD!” I decided to ride it out, and it subsided, leaving me red eyed.

And I learned that the habenero wasn’t done with me yet. Later that afternoon while sitting next to the bathtub… “OH, GOD.”

Mike Golch said...

the craziest thing that I have ever done.well they all had to with being stoned or drunk that trying to drive.that is the craziest or stupidest that I have done

Bunk Strutts said...

BTW folks, as a guest poster here, I'm disqualified from the competition. Just posted for fun.

Winky Twinky said...

Well, my addition totally frickin sucks...... One time, like about a year and a half ago... I fell hopelessly in love with a man who texted me multiple times a day, and wrote and recorded a song for me... turns out!! (surprise surprise) No, he really was real... but just a complete and total asstard.... Good part of it though -- was I made a good blogger friend from the experience!! Roasted her on my last post.... but this is about Amy's blog,.... and you are so funny! Keep doin what you're doin!!! I'd say Hooyah... but I haven't earned it ;;) You have... so GO Amy!!

The BoBo said...

Mine would have to be my highschool graduation night. Got hammered with some friends under the train tracks - had a bonfire and everything. Found out just how potent that everclear is! The last thing I remember was the loud rumbling of the training passing overhead. I guess I had the idea I would walk home from there - through the cow pasture. Never made it - woke up the next morning with a cow licking my face. Needless to say - I never drank everclear again. I was more pissed than anything. Either I tried to walk home or my friends dumped me. No one would fess up as to how I ended up in that field.

Dogmaw said...

You mean like supergluing your fingers together? Or "accidentally" letting a stray puppy follow you home? But I sure can't beat the harley rider!

grumpa said...

Ok....I am a delivery driver for a school district. There are three drivers. The district is divided into 3 areas...One of the duties I have is to fill the Diesel powered Generators, of the schools in my area. We have a Diesel Trailer that I hook to my truck, and take to the schools with Generators, and fill their tanks. One day..while at the Sinclair Station, where I fill my trailers tank..I (OOPS) filled the tank with Regular Gasoline instead of Diesel, I didn't realize what I had done, until I looked at the receipt and noticed it said Regular Gas...I spent the whole day driving around and putting gas into all the vehicles of the district that ran on gas...I lost wages to pay for my OOPS...You can believe me...I now pay close attention to when I fill that tank on the Trailer!!!!

Buy me a cold one..