Monday, June 8, 2009

The Top Ten Signs You *Won't* Be Graduating

10. During the fittings for caps and gowns, you are sent out to look for four-leaf clovers on the football field.

9. Your only English paper was titled "TV Guide: Gateway to Viewing Pleasure."

8. You miss a lot of classes to appear in lineups.

7. During final exams, teachers ask you to go out and get their lunch.

6. Your rebuttal in the first round of the debate tournament: "Okay, you've convinced me!"

5. Nobody believes the drugs in your locker were planted by "those Swiftboat dudes."

4. Jerry Springer calls, asking you to be on his next show.

3. They're giving you an "incomplete" in shop until you find the teacher's finger.

2. June’s already started and you still haven't found your homeroom.

1. Your name is Kenny. This year's prom theme is "Sorry You Won't Be Graduating, Kenny."

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1 comment:

Vincetastic said...

Hahha, this list is hilarious. I love the pictures too, the first one is the best.

Buy me a cold one..