Sunday, August 17, 2014


This former A list reality star hopes to be A list again when her new season starts airing. She is playing the victim card beautifully despite being the more frequent cheater in the relationship. She is just much more careful and only picks men who have more to lose than her if the fling went public. Kendra Wilkinson  via

It is a never a good idea to hookup with this former A+ list singer if you want to keep things quiet. The singer, who is now B+ but still with A list name recognition hooked up recently with this married B list celebrity/former and current reality star while her celebrity husband was out of town. John Mayer/Nicole Richie/Joel Madden  via

This A list reality star from an A list reality show doesn't know how to share. When a man offered our star some coke she gladly accepted and then took the coke from the guy and began walking around the beach nightclub with it. When the man followed her she went into the women's restroom and did it all before coming back out and giving the man the empty vial and saying thanks. Hey, at least she said thanks. Khloé Kardashian  via

This Oscar nominated leading man may be easy on the eyes, but we’re not sure how easy he is on the nose. He doesn’t wear deodorant, but admits that he does take a lot of showers- in the morning and then at night, and even after him work out. That is three a day. However, sources tell us he doesn’t wash he then puts back on his dirty cloths, so it doesn’t make MUCH difference! PHEW! Bradley Cooper  via

Teen Choice Awards: "I would probably kill myself if my thighs ever touched." Married B+ list foreign born singer who got her start on a reality show as she shared lines of coke with two equally tiny women backstage. Cher Lloyd  via

all names from here

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